Two computer based educational modules were developed using the authoring package
ToolBook Multimedia CBT Edition (Asymetrix Corporation), operating on a Windows® platform, and distributed on disk. They included tuition and assessment in the areas of pharmaceutical calculations (M1) and biopharmaceutics (M2) and were aimed at assisting overseas qualified pharmacists preparing for an Australian registration exam. Presented are the results of evaluations for the assessment programs' level of achievement of set educational objectives, frequency and patterns of use. Respondents (n=32) rated
'high-very high' the extent to which the following objectives were met: encouragement of testing of tutorial knowledge (M1: 90.3%; M2: 90.0%); provision of practice using the examination question format (M1: 90.0%; M2: 96.5%); encouragement of review of tutorials based on test performance (M1: 83.9%; M2: 86.7%). The analysis of data disks (n=58) on assessment program use indicated: total tests: (M1: 1,713; M2: 1,152); questions attempted: (M1: 20,900; M2: 15,921); timer option used: this was selected in 36.9% of total tests; period of testing with timer (118.4h) and without timer (598.1h) (maximum allowable question time recorded). Overall, the assessment programs were found very valuable components of each module. They were perceived to have met their set objectives and were significantly used.
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