Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons, 4th Edition is now being offered solely as a print and online package. It is a full book & digital package, consisting of the two volume reference book in a slip case, plus one year's individual access to the online version of Clarke's via Medicines Complete, with all the attendant benefits, including updating annually.
MedicinesComplete is produced and updated by Pharmaceutical Press.
Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons is the definitive source of analytical data for drugs and poisons. Written by over 40 international experts, the resource also boasts an editorial advisory board of over 45 world renowned scientists.
This reference work has been completely revised and updated for the new edition, and comprises two volumes.
The book is essential for all forensic and clinical toxicologists, pathologists, hospital pharmacists, pharmaceutical analysts, clinical pharmacologists, clinical and forensic laboratories, and poison information centers.