Concise and systematic, Drug Delivery Systems is a powerful reference tool for the hundreds of companies developing drug delivery technologies all around the world.
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Concise and systematic, Drug Delivery Systems is a powerful reference tool for the hundreds of companies developing drug delivery technologies all around the world.
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The author shares his many years of experience in technical support for gas chromatography users, addressing the most common problems, questions and misconceptions in capillary gas chromatography. He structures and presents the material in a concise and practical manner, suitable even for the most inexperienced user without any detailed knowledge of chemistry or chromatography.
For lab technicians in chemistry, analytical, food, medicinal and environmental chemists, pharmaceutists.
A Handbook of Bioanalysis and Drug Metabolismis a stimulating new text that examines the techniques, methodology, and theory of bioanalysis, pharmacokinetics, and metabolism from the perspective of scientists with extensive professional experience in drug discovery and development. These three areas of research help drug developers to optimize the active component within potential drugs thereby increasing their effectiveness, and to provide safety and efficacy information required by regulators when granting a drug license. Professionals with extensive experience in drug discovery and development as well as specialized knowledge of the individual topics contributed to each chapter to create a current and well-credentialed text. It covers topics such as high performance liquid chromatography, protein binding, pharmacokinetics and drugdrug interactions. The unique industrial perspective helps to reinforce theory and develop valuable analytical and interpreting skills.
This text is an invaluable guide to students in courses such as pharmaceutical science, pharmacology, chemistry, physiology and toxicology, as well as professionals in the biotechnology industry.
This book will train you to read, understand, and apply the symbols and documents used to define a modern industrial instrumentation and control system. For more experienced professionals, insights into using the symbols and documents more effectively are provided. Variations in the use of symbols and documents are given as well as the pitfalls to avoid.
To better understand process documentation today, insight into how and when documents are developed, who develops them, why they are developed, and how they are used is provided. The types of documents discussed include process flow diagrams, piping and instrumentation drawings, instrument lists, specification forms, logic diagrams, installation details, location plans, and loop diagrams.
Most other books on water quality and pollution control are highly technical and very specific, and are aimed at engineers, scientists, or attorneys. "Clean Water," on the other hand, is a comprehensive discussion of the subject intended for a wider audience of science students, educators, and concerned citizens.
Using photos and diagrams to illustrate and explain concepts, Vigil provides sufficient detail to educate readers about many broad topics and includes additional references at the end of each chapter for exploring specific topics in more detail.
"Clean Water" summarizes the basic fundamentals of water chemistry and microbiology and outlines important water quality rules and regulations, all in concise, understandable prose. It describes the basic scientific principles behind water pollution control and the broader approach of addressing water pollution problems through watershed management. There are sections on drinking water and a concluding chapter entitled "Getting Personal about Clean Water" about citizen involvement at home and in the community.