34Cover Story Achema Defies Economic Odds Even in a recession year, over 180,000 visitors from 100 countries are anticipated at this triennial event
13Chementator This new crystallizer reduced damage to larger crystals; Sonopolymerization as a means to manufacture composite nanoparticles; Reduce process consumables with this new separator; A less expensive way to make conductive coatings; A new standard for viscosity measurement; High-throughput screening accelerates glycerolto-chemicals research; A palladium catalyst makes primary amines in aqueous NH3; Optical fiber sensing gets an NSF boost; EPA proposes national reporting system for greenhouse gases; and more
24Newsfront Recycling Cathode Ray Tubes As CRTs become an obsolete form of video display technology, recycling their lead-filed glass is increasingly important
28Newsfront Digital Handover Headaches Electronic project handover has helped, but standardization with data and system compatibility remain
37Facts At Your Fingertips Energy Efficiency In Steam Systems This one-page guide explains the importance of efficient condensate handling in steam systems
42Feature Report Optimizing Pumping Systems Often overlooked, pump system efficiency makes a dramatic impact on process performance
46Feature Report Calculate Capital Costs Quickly Estimating capital costs early can prevent wasting money on dead-end projects
53Solids Processing Understanding Bends In Pneumatic Conveying Systems Despite their apparent simplicity, bends are often poorly understood and unless properly designed, they are potentially problematic
40D-1, 40I-1Show Preview Achema Achema 2009 (Frankfurt am Main, Germany; May 11–15), the World’s largest assembly of chemical process industry professionals is approaching. With over 200,000 visitors and more than 3,500 exhibitors filling the exhibition grounds of Messe Frankfurt GmbH, this exhibition and congress on chemical engineering, environmental protection and biotechnology continues to be the flagship trade fair for the chemical process industries. This show preview contains a cross-section of the products and services that will be on display
61Focus Temperature Measurement & Control This three-way valve improves temperature control; Field-ready portable temperature monitor features three scales; Get industrial boiler measurements for consistent blowdown control; This module delivers a wide range of capabilities for temperature control; Measure flowrate and temperature with one instrument; New infrared sensor offers improved performance in harsh industrial environments; and more
5Editor’s Page Achema maintains influence This month, instead of focusing on a single comprehensive story or even a two-part series, our cover highlights Achema 2009, an important thread that weaves throughout the issue and beyond.
Look for: Feature Reports on Design and Operation of Gravity Dryers; and Chemical Process Safety; Engineering Practice articles on Optimal Cooling Systems for Coastal Plants; ERP Packaging for Your EPC Contracting Business; and Treatment of Wastewater in a Delayed Coking Unit; A Focus on Heat Transfer; News articles on Batch Processing; and Petroleum Refining; Facts at Your Fingertips on Process Control; and more