The author begins by explaining the concepts of the standard, which sets the tone for a practical guide to implementation of an ISO 14000-compliant environmental management system, which also covers the consultant's and auditor's perspective.
The case studies from industries that have actually undergone the process have been updated to include information on their progress toward environmental objectives in the 18-24 months following implementation. A new case study from a service organisation ( a car lease company) will be added. Finally there is input from training organisations and certification and accreditation bodies to assist with trouble-shooting and assessment. Additional information is also included on international legislative issues. Comparisons with ISO 9000 will also be fully updated to reflect revisions to this standard.
The book will offer the reader a range of options for implementation, and guidance on which is the best option to suit the particular organisation's culture.
* Fully updated to meet the new 2004 amendments to ISO 14001
* New case studies to show how ISO14001 is being implemented and is working for key organisations
* Proven track record of making understanding and implementing ISO14001 accessible
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